Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Morgan on why the A-Rod "Ha" play was no big deal.
"The real reason is money. Public, players alike have been jealous that he got that big contract. He's been a target since that happened. I've stated before that it wasn't out of line what he did. We've seen runners hesitate when there's a grounder in front of them to distract the fielder. We have so many things that are more obvious than what A-Rod did. I said on the air the other day - if Eckstein had made that play, everyone would have said what a smart play. It was a bad play by the third baseman, he should have caught that ball."


Anonymous said...

ask joe morgan if he would have ever done that himself, i bet not. no player has come foward and admitted to ever doing it and the daily news article ran an article the day after where they interviewed a bunch of active players and they all said they have never seen it done before. even joe torre has come foward and said that he has neve really seen it and would probably tell arod not to do that again. the reason everyone is getting on a-rod about it is because he is a little bitch that resorts to little league tactics. the media and public hate him for good reasons, the bronson arroyo purse snatcher slap at first, the ridiclously overdone justin pedroia slide-n-elbow at second, this play at third. for somebody who is considered the most talented player in the game, its amazing what bushleague shit he does on a regular basis. but hey, its a great play right? maybe steinbrenner can fork up a few more bucks and buy arod a megaphone to shout at players on fly balls and help them get to .500

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm defending A-Rod, but give the man a break. There is nothing wrong with playing hard and a little "bush". Players cheat all the time, whether anyone will admit it or not. Keep A-Rod out of the microscope. If nothing else, its just plain annoying. GO PHILS.